Fest may refer to:
FEST may refer to:
FEST is an annual film festival held in Belgrade, Serbia since 1971. The festival is usually held in the first quarter of the year.
It was the only film festival in socialist countries that attracted big Hollywood stars such as Jack Nicholson, Kirk Douglas, Robert De Niro, Dennis Hopper, Peter Fonda and famous directors like Miloš Forman, Francis Ford Coppola, Roman Polanski, Sam Peckinpah, Pier Paolo Pasolini etc.
The festival's significance declined in the 1990s, mostly due to the international embargo FR Yugoslavia was under at the time. In 1993 and 1994, it was not even held and in 1997 it was interrupted in protest against police brutality taking place against student protesters.
However, FEST still attracts a large number of movie buffs. In 2007, 98,191 tickets were sold for around 80 films.
In 2007. it was opened by actress Catherine Deneuve and 2009. by actor Ralph Fiennes.
Since 2006, B2B Belgrade Industry Meetings is established as a part of FEST. Program and business focus of B2B are cinematographies of the Europe out of Europe countries. B2B focuses on production, authors and films with the origin geographically in Europe, but still not enough intensely included in European integrative currents, also in countries outside Europe with strong European influence and heritage - Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Georgia, Israel, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Serbia, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Ukraine and Uzbekistan.
FEST (Russian: Факультет электроники и системотехники) is a faculty of Moscow State Forest University that specializes in computer science. It was founded in 1959 by initiative of academician Sergey Pavlovich Korolev. The faculty trains specialists that can work in any sphere where computers, information and computational systems, networks and PCs, databases and databanks, expert systems, project and economy management, various electronics, office appliances and other facilities are applied. Specialist options are Applied Mathematics, Management, Automation and Direction, Instrument-making, Computer Sciences, System Analysis and Direction, Standardization and Certification.
Offshore may refer to:
Offshore (1979) is a novel by Penelope Fitzgerald. It won the Booker Prize for that year. It recalls her time spent on boats on the Thames in Battersea. The novel explores the liminality of people who do not belong to the land or the sea, but are somewhere in between. The epigraph, "che mena il vento, e che batte la pioggia, e che s'incontran con si aspre lingue" ("whom the wind drives, or whom the rain beats, or those who clash with such bitter tongues") comes from Canto XI of Dante's Inferno.
"Offshore", when used relative to hydrocarbons, refers to an oil, natural gas or condensate field that is under the sea, or to activities or operations carried out in relation to such a field. There are various types of platform used in the development of offshore oil and gas fields, and subsea facilities.
Offshore exploration is performed with floating drilling units.